Wednesday, March 2, 2016


Here I present to you, Alive Museum New Art works added, couple's Edition!
Me and Ed went one fine day and you can take a look at our adventures there! We've been there before with my family, but this time it was just us two! Just us 2 was a little challenging.. You'll see why later on.

How do I look ? Haha. These are really funny man!

I would say there were at least 30% new designs for you to play around with.

There are many different interactive artworks for you to go crazy with your imagination.

They even have a collaboration with Pixar's Penguins of Madagascar!

Fun new artworks like Thumbelina's world and the circus acts!

New Couple artworks available too! Try to go with more friends or you can ask the other customers to help you take these photos! Haha!

If Not your photos will most probably be like this....
(can someone help me... Haha! )

Overall, I've enjoyed myself with the new artworks and I hope you will too!
Here a big Heart to all of your who still reads my blog although I update very slowly now a days.. Haha.

With Love, M

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